BAC - definitie. Wat is BAC
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Wat (wie) is BAC - definitie

Bac; Bac (disambiguation); BAC (disambiguation)

·noun A vat or cistern. ·see 1st Back.
II. Bac ·noun A broad, flatbottomed ferryboat, usually worked by a rope.
Bač (name)         
Bac (personal name); Bač (personal name); Bac (name)
Bač (Бач), pronounced in English as Bach, was a historical Slavic personal name whose existence was documented in the Middle Ages. It is not certain whether the language of this name is Slavic, Paleo-Balkanic or Romanian.
Bacterial artificial chromosome         
Chromosomes, artificial, bacterial; Bacterial Artificial Chromosome; Bacterial cloning; Bacterial artificial chromosomes
A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) is a DNA construct, based on a functional fertility plasmid (or F-plasmid), used for transforming and cloning in bacteria, usually E. coli.



BAC or Bac may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BAC
1. Here's this post-bac program.
Building An Unconventional Company _ Zim Ugochukwu _ Talks at Google
2. we're putting together, you know, graphing it. I'll probably use a BAC calculator of
xkcd _ Randall Munroe _ Talks at Google
3. you know, BAC; and some people decided that was unacceptable. So, a couple of nights ago,
xkcd _ Randall Munroe _ Talks at Google
4. this and emailed me but if you want to get your BAC right at the peak and if this--you
xkcd _ Randall Munroe _ Talks at Google
5. the drink steady and we couldn't--what I really wanted to do is do this with a BAC meter which
xkcd _ Randall Munroe _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BAC
1. The two countries have signed Agreement for Land Border, Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf Demarcation Agreement and the Agreement for Fisheries Co–operation on the Bac Bo (Tonkin Gulf.
2. Nguyen Bac Truyen is sentenced four years in prison.
3. Rural Bac Kan, especially remote districts, have also undergone development.
4. They include an agreement on building a 6,000 sq.m trade centre in Bac Kan, signed with the Hanoi Commercial Company; and others on survey for a Bac Kan–Hanoi–Ho Chi Minh City tour, on support of Bac Kan‘s personnel training and on feasibility study for investment in a tourist site on Bac Kan‘s Ba Be lake, signed with Ho Chi Minh City‘s Saigon tourism corporation.
5. This is the result of the co–operation between Intel Vietnam and Bac Ninh authorities within the programme "E–Bac Ninh" aimed at increasing local people‘s access to IT and Internet.